
Program Overview

MT JAVA starts with this principle: Beyond school, every young person we serve must spend time giving back to their community, peers,or volunteer while attending More Than Just A Village Academy after school sessions conducted in a stimulating learning environment that promotes problem solving and a greater awareness of society. Carefully matched mentors will complement after-school activities that combine academic fundamentals and civic/social leadership skill building. Additionally, the program develops culturally responsive programs that build on the strengths of you, families, and communities.

The MT JAVA program is set apart from other after school and mentoring organizations as that it involves and relies on the commitments of families and Village members (community) to work collectively in meaningful ways to encourage and challenge youth to create and define their roles as contributing members and future leaders of our great society. Our focus builds on three pillars, or responsibilities – Civic responsibility, Academic responsibility, and Personal accountability. The overall goal is to nurture the whole young person while altering attitudes, enhancing self-esteem, supporting emotional and intellectual growth, and creating a positive future perception of self and what they are capable of becoming.

Several change theories illustrate the relationship this design that MT JAVA employs and the positive outcomes we strive to achieve.

Future research, evaluation, and participation by graduate applicants of local and national universities will help MT JAVA administration determine results and continually strengthen the program. Anecdotal evidence will tell us that the More Than Just A Village Academy will have an important impact on the quality of education and classroom learning, suggesting this program has the capacity to become a building block for better schools and communities.

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